our story

In October of 2017 the Lord began to put the city of Corpus Christi on James & Shalena's hearts. At that time, both were on staff at their home church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They began to pray and felt that the Lord was calling them to start a church in Corpus Christi although they didn't know anyone in the Coastal Bend. Their home church confirmed the call, prayed over them, blessed them and sent them out! In February of 2018, they moved to Texas with their two children, Isaiah and Jaden to start Revive Church Corpus Christi! 


Below you will read the vision and mission of Revive Church:


Changing the world one person at a time.

Revive Church is "changing the world one person at a time."  We know if God can use us to reach even just one, then we've made an impact on the world. 


How do we fulfill the vision?

Community, Training & Equipping, Discipleship, and Evangelism & Outreach. 

We minister to the whole body of Christ through  establishing community, preaching and teaching the Gospel, discipling, equipping and activating the church. We minister to the lost through outreach and evangelism.